 Los Angeles Adventist Academy exists to accomplish a fundamental scriptural directive which clearly mandates...
"And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord ..."  Isaiah 54:13
 Los Angeles Adventist Academy is established on the principle of God as Creator and human beings as
His accomplished masterpieces who are capable of reaching their highest potential as contribnting members of society.
The school is also founded on the premise that all true knowledge and wisdom come from God whose plan for
building Christian character involves the harmonious development of mind, body, and spirit.
The academy program therefore seeks to fulfill its basic belief that the Lord grants knowledge and
wisdom for use in service which embraces both this world and the world to come.
 Los Angeles Adventist Academy is committed to academic excellence in a nurturing Christian environment
where students build noble character, develop exceptional leadership, and render unselfish service.
  Los Angeles Adventist Academy students are expected to glorify God through excellence with increasing joy and
satisfaction derived from dedicated service as: 
 Positive maturing Christians, confident effective communicators,
critical thinkers and problem-solvers,
 responsible productive citizens and most of all self-directed lifelong learners

Los Angeles Adventist Academy holds a sacred covenant with its churches to educate constituent students who apply.
Because of rapidly changing demographics, however, the school has also developed a committnent to
educate students from the local community who demonstrate attributes of maturing Christian character,
positive attitudes toward school, active engagement in classroom learning, and personal confidence in their ability to experience progress.
Consequently, the school is convinced that every student who so desires should be granted the opportunity to receive a quality Christian education. 


The academy therefore willingly accepts highly-motivated students with wide-ranging learning profiles as long as
individual growth and progress are continual. This is possible because the school is blessed with a dedicated faculty
who will do whatever it takes to help all students pursue their highest potential as learners and contributors.
Growth and progress typically occur as inspirational personnel remind students that they were created with everything they need to succeed.
Consequently, students are expected to model Luke 2:53 -

"And Jesus grew in wisdom (intellectually) and stature (physically) and in favor with God (spiritually) and man (socially)."


(c) 2025 Los Angeles Adventist Academy.